So I haven't updated in a long time, but here is a quick run down over the last year
Baby Lily was born on April 6, 2013. She was 8.1lbs and 20in. After 2 hours of pushing we ended up in a C-section. We had the best medical team anyone could ever ask for. My personal nurse friend who worked after her shift to stay with me and my OB who broke her wrist the night before but still came for my delivery on her day off. I love them both, they are the best!
Robin was over the moon for Lilly's arrival. Her family and friends were there to share that special time with her. I was glad to see everyone there for her and the baby.
After Lily we all agreed that would be it, but now a year has gone by and Robin's family are very personal to me. The thought of someone else carrying Lily's sibling is awful to me. I guess because I am very protective over this family now that we are so close and I don't trust anyone with the precious cargo but me. With that being sad, we have started on a sibling project. Yea!!
I will start my wonderful Lupron injections on Friday and transfer is scheduled for April
hello hello hello :D i found your blog through the SMO forums. i am just starting out to being a GS for a family member... hoping for an April transfer date too!